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Create a super cool meltdown text for a typeface in this premium gig tool. Have fun with your imagination and artistic skills. Learn how to create glows and a liquid drip effect for text in this post. You will learn the techniques which I used to create beautiful post effects. We will walk you through the process that he has used in one of the design projects I finished recently.

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  • Maecenas ullamcorper est et massa condimentum.
  • Vestibulum sed massa vel ipsum imperdiet nisl.
  • Etiam nec massa lectus faucibus congue in nunc.
  • Mauris eget diam magna in blandit turpis.
In this Illustrator tutorial, we will learn how to create a golden text style with diamonds using the appearance palette and scatter brushes. You will learn lots of new techniques on applying the transform effect, offset path and seamless pattern on the appearance palette. price/$75.00off/Salesize/Smal/Medium/Large/X Large

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